Before: My Hubby working his magic |
Here I go gushing about my husband. Again. Ladies, you cannot blame me for appreciating what a lucky lady I am. Men, take note! My husband whips up a masterpiece. I wonder if I can convince him to make this a daily occurrence? He definitely has skills. The ribs were perfectly done, fall off the bone yummy! Thank you husband!
After: Yum. |
That's it! I'm buying a fancy grill so we HE can BBQ outdoors - the weather has been kind of icky lately, but that won't last! I can taste the grilled goodies now...Korean BBQ, Oysters, Steaks, Kabobs....
It's nice being married to a Renaissance Man!
There's the problem Cyn...you need that BBQ grill. When Men have a grill, they are more likely to use it, therefore...make US dinner.
I am on the lookout for one now! I think it will be a wise investment!
Gosh I love your pictures!
Thank you Melanie! You are too kind.
@Stacey: Thanks but no thanks. I was a follower of yours long before you posted this comment, I deleted your first one on a prior post. BTW it said exactly the SAME thing. I guess you were too busy to notice that I was already following you - I had even left a few heartfelt comments. I have since UN-followed. Please do not spam any more of my posts. You had also copied & pasted this same exact message on my other blog "My Life as Mom". I know you won't get this message since you probably will never truly read any of my blog posts. Again, thank you for the invite BUT I am going to graciously decline. This time I won't delete your post. BTW, you never did follow, you "forgot" to click the follow button & NEVER appeared as a reader of my blog. I'm sure you didn't mean to lie to me. I just wanted to let you know so that you can avoid future embarrassment if you accidentally tell someone that you are following, when you are really not.
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