
Friday, July 29, 2011

Blog On Fire Award

I've been awarded the Blog On Fire Award by awesome Lindsay at Life as 5.  I'm hot! And it's not hot flashes either!  I have to thank Lindsay for sharing this award with me.  There is always something so special about being recognized by your peers.   My job now as an awardee include 2 requirements:
  • Share 7 things about myself
  • Pass this award on to 10 Bloggers who continually fan the flames of passion and inspiration through their blogs. 
7 Things About Myself:
1.  I married at 38.
2.  I became a mommy at 39.
3.  My sister & I married men with the same name.
4.  I like to sleep in.  I think.  It's been SO LONG since I've last done that.
5.  I am going to BlogHer '11 and I am terrified. I wish I had a blog buddy to hold my hand!
6.  After a recent blog post, I now have a dislike for princesses.
7.  Not long ago I got "comment crapped" for the 1st time from "Anonymous" who tried to insult me only it didn't work.  I posted my retort and never heard back from the idiot again.

10 Bloggers that "fan the flames of passion and inspiration through their blogs"
(In no particular order)
1. Happiness Delivered
2. The L Family Blog
3. It Keeps Getting Better
4. Macross Kitty
5. Man Wife and Dog Blog
6. A Day in the Life of a Freelance Writer
7. Lily Boxing
8. Bloggin' It Up Chelle Style
9. Sippy Cup Chronicles
10. Life As 5

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Going on Year 3

My dear husband and I will very soon be celebrating 3 years of marriage.  We have really come together not only as husband and wife but also as parents.  We compliment each other when it comes to parenting.  He is such a great father.  He helps me to be the best mother that I can be and vice versa.  In my short time as a wife and mother I have never felt that everything is "all on me".  Feeling supported and offering support to each other is what gets us  through even the toughest of days.  If I am completely exhausted from a taxing day at work I don't have to be a cranky momma to our son because my husband will be there to play with him, feed him, or just hold him while I decompress.  I wouldn't be a good mom without having my good husband.  It's nice to have him there for me, for us. Our son is a happy child and I am grateful for that.  I'm excited to see what the NEXT 3 years will bring.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

BlogHer '11: I'm Going!

I'm Going to BlogHer '11Guess who's going to BlogHer '11?!  I am!  I have been dreaming of going for some time now.  I'll be a first timer.  My husband knew how badly I wished to go and offered to pay my registration fees.  Truly sweet of him but I wanted to make my way there without him buying my way in.  I have been getting my feet wet again in the blogging arena since I had dropped the habit back in 2004.  I  couldn't quite justify the cost.  Especially since I have been a bit directionless.  OK not directionless - just headed off into EXCESSIVE directions!  I'm all over the place when it comes to blogging.  I can't find my niche.  Quite honestly, I don't want one.  I don't want to be wedged into any one place no matter how much I'm told it is a necessity.  Maybe I'll change my ways once I have a few sessions under my belt at BlogHer.  I'm stubborn though - so I doubt it.  It's bad, but I don't always care what "experts" think.  I do what makes me happy.

I looked into doing sponsored posts as a means of  raising funds to spend on my BlogHer registration.  I do work outside of the home and earn a decent living but I refused to spend our family resources on my blogging venture.  So far I'm proud to say that I've earned a pretty penny dabbling in  Sponsored Blog Posts.  Enough in fact to cover the cost of registration PLUS a couple of cute outfits!  It's been a gratifying experience earning money doing something that I enjoy.  Especially since I would be doing it ANYWAY.

I was thrilled when I was invited to participate in a contest sponsored by Naturalizer Shoes & MyBlogSpark (Blog Post: BlogHer '11: Cynthia The Super Hero?!).  The prize?  An entry to win a sponsorship for my attendance to BlogHer '11 and to share some great shoes with conference attendees!

I even attempted to volunteer a few months ago.  The volunteer positions were all filled.  Apparently they fill up quickly.   Recently BlogHer re-opened their call for volunteers.  Of course I had to find out all I could about that.  They were only looking for a few spots to fill.

Today I registered for the conference.  The cost?  $0.  Lesson learned:  Where there is a will, there is a way! I've got to find a way to obtain a SmartPhone to use while at the convention!  My current phone is ultra low tech!  Do I have time before the conference to locate a sponsor for a SmartPhone and learn how to use one?!  That way I can leave my laptop at home.  If not, how about a sponsor for a stylish and comfortable laptop bag?!  Oooh....a clothing sponsor to help me with my BlogHer '11 "Look".  Maybe a company to offer new hair & make up?  I'm dreaming but like I said: Where there is a will, there is a way!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Meathead Movers

This post is brought to you by Meathead Movers.  All opinions are 100% mine.

How many of you married couples were living together before tying the knot?  For some of us who didn't prior to entering into married life, moving was something to deal with.  Luckily for my husband and I, we didn't require the aid of a professional moving company.  Most of our household belongings were first time purchases (furnishing and appliances)  that were delivered to us.  As our household and amount of joint property has grown,  the possible future need for movers has as well.

Should we ever decide to move I have learned of a company that would be worth checking into: Meathead Movers.  The company name sure does stand out!  What is Meathead Movers?  Professionally Trained Student-Athlete Movers.  A company founded by a couple of high school students eager to earn money.  For more information check out the back story: History of Meathead Movers.

We currently reside in San Diego, and they do have a branch here in our area.  In addition to servicing San Diego County locations, the cover many other counties as well.

What intrigues me most about this organization, aside from it's humble beginnings, is that it turns out that they provide much MORE than moving services.  They give back quite generously to the community.  Here are a few examples:

  • Moving services for women who are victims of domestic violence for FREE
  • Employment to Student Athlete Movers, who are working their way through college
  • Participates in Not-for-profit health care
  • Grants and Sponsorships

They even proudly claim to be the only movers who JOG when not carrying any items (which saves time and money).  

I told my husband about this site because he is a big fan of MMA - when I found out that Meathead Movers had ties to UFC, I was excited to share!  Meathead Movers was one of the initial sponsors for Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell.

Photo Credit: Meathead Movers

For more information on Meathead Movers please visit Facebook Meathead-Movers-Inc

Thank you to for supporting Married Life by Cynthia | Happy Wife, Happy Life

Monday, July 11, 2011

For The Special Women In Our Lives

I have lived long enough to know that our beautiful treasured jewelry doesn't always have to be given to us but the men in our lives.  There are two very special women in my life that I have the hardest time buying presents for when it comes to Mother's Day, Birthday's or for Christmas presents.  In our family gifts are never "expected" and extravagant items are not something that either of these ladies would seek out for themselves.  These special women in my life are my mother and mother in law.  They are "hard to buy for" because they both truly want nothing more than to spend moments together as family.  Both find more joy in giving versus receiving.

Accepting presents doesn't seem to be something either seems to take to naturally.  We usually find other ways such as dining out or taking them on all expense paid vacations to honor them. One day (after discussing with my hubby) I would really like to "gift" them with something very special. It would have to be when they least expect it because getting them to accept could be tough!  Our hopes are that they will accept it as a token of our admiration, gratitude, and love for each of them. Both mom's would probably make my husband and I return items such as a 3 carat diamond ring or 4 carat diamond ring even though we feel that our mother's deserve that (and more) for all that they are and all that they do.  They are just practical that way when it comes to spending, which is a wise lesson that they have taught us.  They would much rather the money be spent on their children & grandchildren than on themselves.  Such selflessness makes for an even greater desire to shower our Mom's with something truly special!  Gifts such as clothing, perfumes, and home decor items has proven to be a hit and miss - but a nice piece of jewelry sounds like the PERFECT idea!

Thank you to for supporting Married Life By Cynthia

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