
Friday, January 6, 2012

OUCH: Failed Marriage Proposal

I haven't posted much here lately but hearing about this failed marriage proposal got me thinking about OUR proposal story.

He and I were alone in a very romantic setting so I have no idea what this poor couple went through with their very public proposal.

I don't mean to post this to mock them or poke fun in any way. This is something that will be hard for both of them to be reminded of.  I wanted to share. And perhaps get us all thinking about our OWN proposals and emotions.  I had no hesitation whatsoever with my reply. BTW, it was YES!

What are your reactions?  Have you ever dealt with a public proposal?  Have you ever said no?  OR said YES when you really meant NO?


Jenny said...

That was horrifying....I would have just said yes for that moment. My husband did it privately, but we are really private people anyway. UGH I feel bad about that one..

Running After Raina said...

I was engaged at one time, he did it very publicly - in the center of Disneyland and a huge crowd gathered. It was a little awkward for me, but the thought was sweet. It didn't work out, but I do feel bad for the man in that video - hopefully *fingers crossed* this was one of those publicity stunts they have been doing lately (failed proposals get a lot of ratings) :)

Im A Silly Mami said...

wow - I'm not a fan of public proposals. My husband did it privately. Hard to tell if that is real now a days

Anonymous said...

You know I've been married 38 years and I hate to admit I don't even remember how he proposed!

Unknown said...

That really was awful...oh that poor guy!

Ours was private. I'm really not sure if I would have said yes, just because of the camera, or have done what she did. We don't know, maybe he'd been cheating on her or something, and put her on the spot??

Val @ Mental Chew said...

Never had to say no and we were on top of a hill on the island with a 360 degree view and a bottle of champagne.

I can't imagine the nightmare that couple had. I can't imagine a public proposal either. Egads.

Unknown said... horrible. I'm like feeling all weird myself. My husband did it in private, thank God...


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