
Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Little Game of Hide and Seek?

You found me! Olly olly oxen free! OK let us END this game of hide and seek!

Wow, it's been a while hasn't it?!  I'm still juggling work & home life...trying to pull it all together. I can't say that I am getting any better at it, but I TRY. I don't blog as much as I would like, but have been living life to the fullest. Hubby, son, and I are all doing well.  We have so many stories to tell but have been too "in the moment" to document it all via blog posts.  Little by little, it WILL happen.  Here is a fairly recent family photo.  I love our son's "tough guy" expression (Whatchu lookin' at Willis?) and the cute little photo bomber in the stroller!

Trying to squeeze in what I enjoy WITHOUT feeling guilty about it has been a journey. Taking small bits of "ME time" away from family time is taking some getting used to.  I am learning that it is necessary and good for everyone.  A refreshed Mommy & Wife is better for the Family.

Not throwing up a gang sign. Holding up 4 fingers =  4 Years of Marriage!
SO... making time for exercise (Yoga especially!), spa days with the girls, as well as clothes & makeup is in my near future! I am trying to venture into more fashion forward territory. That's a BIG deal for this 2 year old mommy & 4 year old wife!  Too much time had passed that I didn't take care of what I wore or how I looked.  It just didn't matter to me. Eventually I began to feel as frumpy as I looked!  I really "let myself go" and I just want to change that up.

Ann Taylor Launch Party
It was inspiring to attend a fashion event and see how looking good can lead to feeling good! My husband accompanied me on the adventure and was my professional photographer & videographer for the night!

I am also trying to connect with others IRL since socializing primarily happened online ONLY for me.  It really is easy to fall into that rut.  I don't really see it as a rut since I do enjoy it so much (not to mention that it is so much easier for me go online than it is to go out).  Interaction in person is good for you! I recently attended a fulfilling Blogger Meetup which involved getting to know a lovely group of  ladies who also share a love of blogging, spa treatments, delicious appetizers, wine spritzers, and brownies!  I was the oldest one there but that's another topic all together.

Spa-ing & Blogging come Together!
I feel so much better after sharing! Now it's your turn! I'd love to know what everyone is up to!  What have I been  missing out on here in Blogland?!  Let's get caught up. I need to know your tips & tricks about how you balance your blog life with all the other things that make up your days!
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