
Thursday, January 19, 2012

DIY-ing the perfect picture frames for my photography

Guest post written by Eleanor Stevens

I picked up photography as a hobby when I retired. I've taken so many photos since then and for the really special ones I like to frame them and put them up in my home for decoration. Well, regular old picture frames just aren't as fun, but there are some amazing things that you can do with a picture frame to really make the picture in it so much more special. I guess you could say that's also another little hobby that I've picked up along the way.

While I was looking online to see what I could find for some inspiration for some new DIY picture frames, I ran across some info on Replacement Windows and after I looked through the info some I decided to get our windows replaced through that service. They're old and drafty anyway, so that's something I've been considering.

When I was looking for some frame DIY ideas I also ran across some photography tips, which I never get sick of reading. I'm trying to improve my photography as part of this hobby too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our Engagement Party 2007: Wordless Wednesday

Our engagement party that my sister hosted for us in 2007

Friday, January 6, 2012

OUCH: Failed Marriage Proposal

I haven't posted much here lately but hearing about this failed marriage proposal got me thinking about OUR proposal story.

He and I were alone in a very romantic setting so I have no idea what this poor couple went through with their very public proposal.

I don't mean to post this to mock them or poke fun in any way. This is something that will be hard for both of them to be reminded of.  I wanted to share. And perhaps get us all thinking about our OWN proposals and emotions.  I had no hesitation whatsoever with my reply. BTW, it was YES!

What are your reactions?  Have you ever dealt with a public proposal?  Have you ever said no?  OR said YES when you really meant NO?
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