I am thrilled with the opportunity to find meal options that are tasty, full of variety, and most importantly EASY. With a toddler and full time jobs - meal planning has been neglected for sure! We are first time parents so we are still developing routines. I'm sure our dilemma is a common one.
We were selected to review a few options available from Lawry's. I am a BzzAgent and was provided with a variety of goodies to try out. We received full sized samples of the following items: Lawry's Seasoned Salt (No MSG), Tuscan Style Chicken Marsala, Southwest Chicken Skillet, and Taco Spices & Seasonings.
These packets are pre-blended with herbs & spices. Just add meat and veggies! I don't think it can get any easier than that.
In addition to the products that I mentioned, we also received a Red Lawry's Apron. I'll be sure to photograph Hubby in it!
I also have recipes and coupons that I provided with to share with you. I have 10 available and will have to distribute them on a first come, first serve basis. Just let me know if you are interested.

We just received our care package so we haven't had a chance to try the recipes out yet. We are excited to share our experiences with you. Please stay tuned!
Aside from the Seasoned Salt, I have not tried any of the other products. I was curious if any of you have? If so, I'd love your feedback!